ionBible: Study Bible app with EGW Commentaries!

494 ~ We Would See Jesus


"We would see Jesus;" for the shadows lengthen Across the little landscape of our life; We would see Jesus, our weak faith to strengthen For the last conflict, in this mortal strife.


"We would see Jesus," Rock of our salvation, Whereon our feet were set with sovereign grace; Not life, nor death, with all their agitation, Can thence remove us, gazing on His face.


"We would see Jesus;" other lights are paling, Which for long years we did rejoice to see; The blessings of this sinful world are failing; We would not mourn them, in exchange for Thee.


"We would see Jesus;" this is all we're needing; Strength, joy, and willingness come with the sight; We would see Jesus, dying, risen, pleading, Soon to return and end this mortal night!