3 ~ God Himself Is With Us
God Himself is with us; Let us all adore Him, And with awe appear before Him. God is here within us; Soul, in silence fear Him, Humbly, fervently draw near Him. Now His own who have known God, in worship lowly, Yield their spirits wholly.
Come, abide within me; Let my soul, like Mary, Be Thine earthly sanctuary. Come, in-dwelling Spirit, With transfigured splendor; Love and honor will I render. Where I go here below, Let me bow before Thee, Know Thee and adore Thee.
Gladly we surrender Earth's deceitful treasures, Pride of life, and sinful pleasures: Gladly, Lord, we offer Thine to be forever, Soul and life and each endeavor. Thou alone shalt be known Lord of all our being, Life's true way decreeing.