682 ~ Father, I Yield to Thee My Life
Father, I yield to Thee my life, Thine only shall it be; From sordid pleasures, sin and strife, I turn, O Lord, to Thee. Unfettered from all earthly ties, From cruel change and scorn, I haste to Thee, where shadows flee Before the cloudless morn.
Father, I yield to Thee my love, Its flickering flame is Thine. Clothe with the luster of Thy love Each waning beam of mine. From foes and friends who ever fail, O'er storm-swept seas I find Within the haven of Thine arms A love most wondrous kind.
Father, I yield to Thee my will, I would submissive be, Content to lean upon Thy breast And hear Thee speak to me. Grant me a heart in tune with Thine, To see as Thou dost see, That each desire, each word and thought, May breathe, dear Lord, of Thee.
Father, I yield to Thee my all, My wanderings are o'er. Earth's fleeting pleasures cease to call, They shall deceive no more. My doubts and tears lie all behind, Eternal bliss before; Lost in Thy love and wholly Thine I'll rest forevermore.