636 ~ O Who Is This That Cometh?
O who is this that cometh From Edom's crimson plain. With wounded side, with garments dyed? O tell me now Thy name. "I that saw thy soul's distress, A ransom gave; I that speak in rightiousness, Mighty to save."
Mighty to save, Mighty to save, Mighty to save; Lord, I trust Thy wondrous love, Mighty to save.
O why is Thine apparel, With reeking gore all dyed, Like them that tread the wine press red? O why this bloody tide? "I the wine press trod alone, 'Neath darkening skies; Of the people there was none Mighty to save."
O bleeding Lamb, my Saviour! How could'st Thou bear this shame? With mercy fraught, mine own arm brought Salvation in My name; I the bloody fight have won, Conquered the grave, Now the year of joy has come — Mighty to save."