62 ~ Eternal Depth of Love Divine
Eternal depth of love divine, In Jesus, God with us, displayed; How bright Thy beaming glories shine! How wide Thy healing streams are spread, How wide Thy healing streams are spread!
With whom dost Thou delight to dwell? Sinners, a vile and thankless race! O God, what tongue aright can tell How vast Thy love, how great Thy grace? How vast Thy love, how great Thy grace?
The dictates of Thy sovereign will With joy our grateful hearts receive: All thy delight in us fulfil; Lo, all we are to Thee we give. Lo, all we are to Thee we give.
To Thy sure love, Thy tender care, Our flesh, soul, spirit, we resign: O fix Thy sacred presence there, And seal the abode for ever Thine! And seal the abode for ever Thine!