406 ~ Lead Thou Me on
Lead Thou me on, and then my feet, though weary, Shall never falter in life's rugged way; And though my pathway lead through wilds most dreary, Guided by Thee my feet shall never stray.
Fill me with love, and then my life shall ever Show forth the light of Thy sweet love divine; And though this world my heart from Thee would sever, I still rejoice in knowing Thou art mine.
Give me Thy grace, the grace that more aboundeth When all the hosts of sin upon me roll; And though life's care my lonely way surroundeth, Still I can rest, if Thou my life control.
Give me Thy peace that passeth understanding, And wraps the soul in calm and sweet repose; And though the storms would keep my soul from landing, At length I'll anchor, safe from all my foes.
Lord, well I know, all these and more are given, With Christ in whom all heavenly riches dwell; In Him by faith I grasp the joys of heaven, And taste the bliss my tongue now fails to tell.