ionBible: Study Bible app with EGW Commentaries!

368 ~ We’re Bound for the Land of the Pure


We're bound for the land of the pure and the holy, The home of the happy, the kingdom of love; Ye wanderers from God, in the broad road of folly, O say, will you go to the Eden above?


Will you go, will you go, will you go, will you go? O say, will you go to the Eden above?


In that blessed land, neither sighing nor anguish Can breathe in the fields where the glorified rove; Ye heart-burdened ones, who in misery languish O say, will you go to the Eden above?


Nor fraud, nor deceit, nor the hand of oppression, Can injure the dwellers in that holy grove; No wickedness there, not a shade of transgression; O say, will you go to the Eden above?


No poverty there, no, the saints are all wealthy, The heirs of His glory whose nature is love; No sickness can reach them, that country is healthy; O say, will you go to the Eden above?


And yet, guilty sinner, we would not forsake thee, We halt yet a moment as onward we move; O, come to thy Lord! in His arms He will take thee, And bear thee along to the Eden above.