338 ~ One Precious Boon, O Lord, I Seek
One precious boon, O Lord, I seek, While tossed upon life's billowy sea; To hear a voice within me speak, "Thy Saviour is well pleased with thee."
Earth's scoffs and scorn well pleased I'll bear, Nor mourn though underfoot I'm trod, If day by day I may but share Thine approbation, O my God!
The friends I love may turn from me, Their words unkind may pierce me through; But this my daily prayer shall be, "Forgive; they know not what they do."
Let me but know, wher-e'er I roam, That I am doing Jesus' will; And though I've neither friends nor home, My heart shall glow with gladness still.
To that bright, blest, immortal morn, By holy prophets long foretold, My eager, longing eyes I turn, And soon its glories shall behold.
Then all the scoffs and scorn I've borne For His dear sake who died for me, To everlasting joys will turn, In glorious immortality.