30 ~ Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
Lord, we come before Thee now, At Thy feet we humbly bow; O do not our suit disdain! Shall we seek Thee, Lord, in vain? Shall we seek Thee, Lord, in vain?
Lord, on Thee our souls depend; In compassion now descend, Fill our hearts with Thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing Thy praise, Tune our lips to sing Thy praise.
Send some message from Thy word That may joy and peace afford; Let Thy Spirit now impart Full salvation to each heart, Full salvation to each heart.
Comfort those who weep and mourn, Let the time of joy return; Those that are cast down lift up, Make them strong in faith and hope, Make them strong in faith and hope.
Grant that all may seek, and find Thee a God supremely kind; Heal the sick, the captive free; Let us all rejoice in Thee, Let us all rejoice in Thee.