249 ~ If Through Unruffled Seas
If through unruffled seas Calmly toward heaven we sail, With grateful hearts, O God, to thee, We'll own the favoring gale, With grateful hearts, O God, to thee, We'll own the favoring gale.
But should the surges rise, And rest delay to come, Blest be the sorrow, kind the storm, Which drives us nearer home. Blest be the sorrow, kind the storm, Which drives us nearer home.
Soon shall our doubts and fears All yield to thy control; Thy tender mercies shall illume The midnight of the soul, Thy tender mercies shall illume The midnight of the soul.
Teach us in every state, To make thy will our own, And when the joys of sense depart, To live by faith alone, And when the joys of sense depart, To live by faith alone.