181 ~ Ye Who Rose To Meet the Lord
Ye who rose to meet the Lord, Ventured on His faithful word, Faint not now, for your reward Will be quickly given. Faint not, always watch and pray; Jesus will not more delay; Even now 'tis dawn of day; Daystar beams from heaven.
Would ye to the end endure? Keep the wedding garment pure, Claim ye still the promise sure, Faithful is the Lord! Let your lamps be burning bright; In God's word is beaming light; Live by faith, and not by sight — Crowns are your reward.
Tones of thunder through the sky, Angel voices sounding high, Echo still the mighty cry, "Jesus, quickly come!" Quickly He'll return again, With His saints He'll come to reign, While all heaven will shout, "Amen! Welcome to Thy throne!"
Marriage supper now prepared, By the guests will then be shared, In fair, righteous robes arrayed, Like the Bridegroom King. Glory to Jehovah's name! Sound aloud the glad acclaim, To the Lamb that once was slain, Alleluias bring!