129 ~ Behold the Lamb of God
Behold the Lamb of God! O Thou for sinners slain, Let it not be in vain That Thou hast died; Thee for my Savior let me take, My only refuge let me make Thy pierced side.
Behold the Lamb of God! Into the sacred flood Of Thy most precious blood My soul I cast; Wash me and make me clean within, And keep me pure from every sin, Till life be past.
Behold the Lamb of God! All hail, incarnate Word, Thou everlasting Lord, Savior most blest; Fill us with love that never faints, Grant us with all Thy blessed saints Eternal rest.
Behold the Lamb of God! Worthy is He alone, To sitteth on the Throne Of God above; One with the Ancient of all days, One with the Comforter in praise, All light and Love